Selected Books and Catalogues
Ross, Christine. Art for Coexistence. Unlearning the Way We See Migration, MIT Press, Cambridge MA, 2022, pp. 9. 10, 12, 15, 82, 100, 232.
Jacobs, Bidhan. Esthetique du signal. Hacker le filmique, Éditions Mimésis, France, 2022 pp. 22, 103, 268, 274-278, 508, 524, 541.
Trione, Vincenzo. Artivismo: Arte, politica, impegno, Guilio Einaudi editore, Torino, 2022 pp. 68 -70, 182.
Ellero, Roberto. “Il cinema di Delfina, che andava di fretta” Exhibition Catalogue, Love Accessories: Delfina Marcello, Oratorio di San Ludovico, Venezia, and EX VOTO Galleria Artericambi, 2022, Verona pp, 8, 18.
Van Gelder, Hilde. Ground Sea. Photography and the Right to Be Reborn, Volume I, Leuven University Press, 2021, pp. 69.
Smith, Alison. “Anachronism, Survival and Filmic Fireflies” chapter 4 in book Georges Didi-Huberman and Film: The Politics of the Image, Bloomsbury Academic, 2020, pp. 2, 14, 122-129, 141.
Manero Rodicio, Javier. “Escapada de tiempos y espejos” essay in book Refugios, la humanidad en tránsito, Fundación Anastasio de Gracia-Fitel, Madrid, 2020 pp. 41-43.
Jacobs, Bidhan. “Plasticités des violences politiques au début du XXIe siècle” essay in book Un Art documentaire: Enjeux esthétiques, politiques et éthiques, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2017, pp. 143, 145-147, 149.
Didi-Huberman, Georges. Survival of the Fireflies, Univocal, University of Minnesota Press, 2018 (Translated from the French by Lia Swope Mitchell) pp. 84-87.
(And available as Come Le Lucciole, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino, 2010; Sobrevivência dos vaga-Iumes, Belo Horizonte Editora UFMG 2011, Brazil; Supervivencia de las luciérnagas, Abada Editores, Madrid, 2012; Überleben der Glühwürmchen, Wilhelm Fink Verlag, Germany, 2012; Het voortleven van de vuurvliegjes, Octavo, Amsterdam, 2022; Ateşböceklerinin Var Kalma Mücadelesi, Norgunk Yayıncılık, Istanbul, 2023)
Mościcki, Paweł. “Obraz-dzielenie. Laura Waddington” chapter in book Migawki z tradycji uciśnionych, Biblioteka Le Monde Diplomatique, Bydgoszcz-Warszawa, Poland, 2017, pp. 187-229.
Pereña, Helena. “Kunst trifft auf Migration: Über die Macht der Bilder” in Hier zuhause Migrationsgeschichten aus Tirol Exhibition catalogue, Tiroler Volkskunstmuseum and ZeMit, Innsbruck, 2017, pp. 131.
Anderson, Kelly and Lucas, Martin. Making a Documentary in the Dark in Documentary Voice & Vision: A Creative Approach to Non-Fiction Media Production, Focal Press, New York and London, 2016, pp.198.
Marcheschi, Elena. “Oltre la rappresentazione, dentro la vita in Border di Laura Waddington” in book Videoestetiche dell’emergenza: L’immagine della crisi nella sperimentazione audiovisiva. Edizioni Kaplan, Torino, 2015, pp. 78, 89-92.
MacDonald, Scott M. “Gardens of the Moon; The Modern Cine Nocturne” in Technology and the Garden, Dumbarton Oaks, Washington DC, 2014, pp. 222-225, 229.
Kuhn, Eva. “Subjektivität und Selbstreflexion; Drei Formen von »Film-Ichs«” chapter in Im Netz der Eindeutigkeiten: Unbestimmte Figuren und die Irritation von Identität (Edited by Michael Andres, Natascha Frankenberg) Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, Germany, 2013, pp. 100-104.
Rimini, Stefania. “Frammenti di cinema resistente” in book IMMAGINAZIONI: Riscritture e ibridazioni fra teatro e cinema, Bonanno Editore, Gruppo Editoriale s.r.l. Acireale, Roma, 2012, pp. 13, 195-199.
Kuhn, Eva. “Border: The Videographic Traces by Laura Waddington as a Cinematographic Memorial” chapter in book Images of Illegalized Immigration. Towards a Critical Iconology of Politics, Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, 2010, pp. 129-141.
Hohlfeldt, Marion. Alternatives to Memories. Exhibition Essay, Galerie Art & Essai, Rennes, Université de Rennes, 2010.
Hohlfeldt, Marion. Demain vous n’y Penserez Plus. Exhibition Essay, Galerie Art & Essai, Rennes, Université de Rennes, 2010.
Didi-Huberman, Georges. Survivance des Lucioles, Éditions de Minuit, Paris, 2009, pp. 134-138.
Green, Alexandra and Yee-wan Pang, Tina. Outside In: Alternative Narratives in Contemporary Art, Exhibition catalogue, Department of Fine Arts and University Museum and Art Gallery, Hong Kong, China 2009 pp.2, 27-30.
Laanemets, Mari. “Maantee, teeperv, buss, Laura Waddington filmist “Piir”“ and “Highway and Road, Bus, Embankment. About Laura Waddington’s Film “Border”” in Kuritöö ja Karistus: Crime and Punishment, Exhibition catalogue, Kunsthalle Tallinn, 2007, pp. 8, 14, 120 -131.
Trigg, Fiona. “Laura Waddington” Turbulence, 3rd Auckland Triennial, Exhibition Catalogue, New Zealand, 2007. pp. 106 -107.
Brenez, Nicole. Cinémas d’Avant-Garde, Cahiers du cinéma, collection Les petits Cahiers, Paris, 2006. pp. 51, 91.
Didi-Huberman, Georges. “Figurants” in book Dictionnaire Mondial des Images, Nouveau Monde Editions, Paris, 2006, pp. 400.
Möller, Olaf. “The Days and Years of My Travels” and “Giorni e Anni Viaggio”, 41a Mostra Internazionale del Nuovo Cinema Pesaro, Catalogue, 2005. pp. 125 -128.
Möller, Olaf. “Interview with Laura Waddington” and “Intervista a Laura Waddington”, 41a Mostra Internazionale del Nuovo Cinema Pesaro, Catalogue, 2005, pp. 129 -134.
Khalili, Bouchra. “The Pain of Seeing: The Videos of Laura Waddington” and “Der Schmerz des Sehens”, The 51st Oberhausen Short Film Festival, Catalogue, 2005, pp.170-174
Kremski, Peter. “Ohne DV Wäre Meine Arbeit Gar Nicht Denkbar« Ein Gespräch mit Laura Waddington” Interview with Laura Waddington in the book Überraschende Begegnungen der kurzen Art, Schnitt – der Filmverlag, Köln, 2005, pp. 87-107.
Vesters, Christel. “CARGO by Laura Waddington” World Wide Video Festival, Catalogue, Amsterdam, 2001 pp. 330-333.
Dols, Teddi. “The Lost Days by Laura Waddington”, World Wide Video Festival, Catalogue, Amsterdam, 2000, pp. 330-333.
“In Person: Laura Waddington” Flyer for Focus on Laura Waddington’s films, organised by Sixpack Film at the Austrian Film Museum, Vienna, 2002
“These Are not my Images” NETMAGE, _Piccola enciclopedia dell’immaginario tecnologico Media, arte, communicazione, Piccola Biblioteca Oscar Mondador_i, Milan, 2000, pp. 243-44.
Selected Articles and Reviews
Bima, Cecilia. “Calais. Estetiche di una frontiera” TBD Ultramagazine, 4th Issue, Cattiva Luce, Volume 1 Buio!, Italy, May 2023.
Laub, Michel. “Como definir uma existência naqual a luz só aparece quando se está de olhos fechados? Pasolini, Didi-Huberman e uma noite escura em Berlim” Valor Econônomico, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19th November, 2021, pp 4.
Cohn, Pamela. “Accidents of Material and Chance: A Conversation with Laura Waddington” Non-Fiction Journal, A Journal from the Open City Documentary Festival, Issue 01: Power, London, 2020, pp. 12-17.
Lessa Filho, Ricardo and Vieira, Frederico. “Entre travessias e escuridão: notas sobre os espectros (i)migrantes em ‘Border’” LOGOS vol 27 N.1, Dossiê Instabilidade e conflito das/nas Imagens, Brazil, 2019 pp. 134-151 (And available in English translation: Between crossing and darkness: notes on (im)migrant spectres in ‘Border’” on the artist’s website,)
Sarmiento Hinojosa, José. “Panorama: Tres Cortometrajes de Laura Waddington” Desistfilm Online Film Journal, Peru, 2019.
Sarmiento Hinojosa, José. “#Crucial21DbW: Border directed by Laura Waddington” Crucial 21st Century Cinema Directed by Women, (, 2019.
Gontijo Flores, Guilherme. “Sobre Border de Laura Waddington” Coletivo Praxis, Brazil, 2018.
Mościcki, Paweł. “The Image as Common Good: on Laura Waddington’s Border” (Translated from the Polish by Jan Szelągiewicz.) Widok. Teorie i praktyki kultury wizualnej14 / View Theories and Practices of Visual Culture 14, Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Institute of Polish Culture, University of Warsaw. View Foundation for Visual Culture, Warsaw 2016, 24-page essay.
Mota Tavares, Pedro. “Sep 2016: Border (Laura Waddington) Curator: Pedro Tavares” Interview with Pedro Mota Tavares about ‘Border’, Politics & Poetry, European Foundation Joris Ivens, The Netherlands, 2016.
Kang, Sumi. “I Can’t See. An Aesthetics of Some and Such: Kyungah Ham’s Impossible Art” Essay on the occasion of Ham Kyungah winning the Korea Artist’s Prize, 2016.
Hohlfeldt, Marion. “Betwixt and Between: Displacement and Liminality in Laura Waddington’s Border” Interventions Journal, Volume 02, Issue 01: Borders and the Global Contemporary, New York, January 2013. pp. 1-9 of essay.
Brenez, Nicole. “Political Cinema Today – The New Exigencies: For a Republic of Images” Screening the Past, Issue 37, October 2013.
Larsson, Chari “Suspicious Images: Iconophobia and the Ethical Gaze” M/C Journal, Vol. 15, No. 1, 2012: suspicion, Australia 2012.
Belloc, Chloe. “Matière de Frontière / Frontière de la Matière: Border de Laura Waddington et No Border de Sylvain George”. Episode 3, La Furia Umana, n° 11, winter 2012.
Belloc, Chloe. “Matière de Frontière / Frontière de la Matière: Border de Laura Waddington et No Border de Sylvain George”. Episode I, La Furia Umana, n° 9, summer 2011.
Belloc, Chloe. “Matière de Frontière / Frontière de la Matière: Border de Laura Waddington et No Border de Sylvain George”. Episode 2, La Furia Umana, n° 10, autumn 2011.
Carbone, Antonio. “Miracolo a Le Havre di Kaurismaki, il barcone che si ribalta a Brindisi, una recensione e i frammenti di umanità” Magazine Roma, 27 novembre 2011.
Escorel, Eduardo. “Béla Tarr – Um resistente” questões cinematográficas, Revista Piauí / Folha de S. Paolo, 14th October, 2011.
Moscicki, Pawel. “Na granicach widzialnos ́ci [On the Borders of Visibility]” Krytyka Polityczna/ Political Critique, nr 24-25, 2010, Poland 05 pp. 49-58.
Rimini, Stefania. “Frammenti di cinema resistente” Engramma; Issue 84: Lucciole malgrado tutto, Venezia, October 2010.
Aeschimann, Eric. “Didi-Huberman rallume la lumière” Le Cahier Livres de Libé, Libération, Paris, October 29, 2009.
Koon, Yee-wan. “The doors not taken. The narrative pleasure of visual art” MUSE, July 2009, Hong Kong.
Nehm, Daniel. “Welcome – Kritik”, Germany June 24, 2009.
Yahr, Harriette, “Stirring Things Up. Flaherty Seminar” Dox # 80, January 2009, Denmark, pp. 23.
Gallagher, Cullen. “Films from Flaherty” The L Magazine, New York, September 18, 2008
Walker, Saskia. “Interview Laura Waddington” Revolver Magazine, Heft 17, Berlin, 2007, pp.39-55.
Brenez, Nicole. “Les Clandestins ou No One Is Illegal” Cahiers du cinéma, Paris, 2007, pp. 52-53.
Brenez, Nicole. “Cineastas libres frente al liberalismo globalizado Los “clandestinos” vistos por la red” (Translatied from the French by Rafael Durán). Cahiers du cinéma Espana, n° 625. October, 2007, pp. 55. 57.
Blottière Mathilde, et Laurent Rigoulet. “Laura Waddington: La caméra clandestine” Télérama, Du 4 au 10 février 2006 No 2925, Paris, pp. 30.
Suárez, Pablo. Report on 21st Mar de Plata Film Festival. Buenos Aires Herald, Argentina, November 2006.
Marquat, Fabrice. “Border” Bref. Le magazine du court métrage, Juillet-août 2006, No. 73, Paris.
Meden, Jurij.“Pesaro 2005 – skakanje na glavo” Kinoplus, Slovenia, 2005.
Rahayel, Oliver. “„Too much beauty“ Oberhausen 2005 (I): Filmische “Grenzüberschrei tungen” „Grenzüberschreitungen“ mit Laura Waddington” Film Dienst magazine, April 28, 2005, Germany, pp. 45-46.
Neuner, Florian and Kammerer Dietmar, “Arbeiten und Sehen. Skepsis, radikale Autobiographie und Schmerzen: Zwei politisch bemerkenswerte Sonderreihen der 51. Internationalen Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen,” Junge Welt, Berlin, May 2005, pp.13.
Marcheschi, Elena. “Corti del contemporaneo” Il Manifesto, Roma, May 28, 2005 pp.15.
Linssen, Dana. “Time, Duration, History” FIPRESCI (The International Federation of Film Critics) report on The 51st Oberhausen Short Film Festival, May 2005.
Meueler, Christof. ““Nein”, sagt Peter Hein” Junge Welt, Berlin, May 14, 2005.
Gronenborn, Klaus. “Trend zum Handy-Film?” Deutschlandfunk,, Germany, May 8, 2005.
Schultz, Gabrielle. “Wie der Punk nach Düsseldorf kam: Identitätssuche bei den Kurzfilmtagen Oberhausen” Berliner Morgenpost, May 11, 2005.
Del Lucchese, Filippo. “The Two speeds ‘frontera’ Interview with Laura Waddington”, Cinema e Globalizzazione, Online film magazine, Italy, February 2005.
Sossi, Federica. “Sangatte. Frontiera del mondo”, Cinema e Globalizzazione, Online film magazine, Italy, February 2005.
Sossi, Federica. “Sangatte. Grenz der Welt”, Cinema e Globalizzazione, Online film magazine, Italy, February 2005.
Chauveau, Eric. “La sereine colère de Laura Waddington” Sud Ouest, France, March 18th, 2005.
Mieszala, Pascal. “Laura Waddington: La Vidéaste de l’errance” Interview with Laura Waddington. Plan Rapproché 100, apcvl, December 2005, France, pp. 3.
Collot, Antoni. “Border” Manéci, Le Journal des Ecrans Documentaires 1, France, 2005.
Morelli, Thomas. “Border Free Zone” Sextant Magazine, France December 2005 pp. 46-47.
Bombarda, Olivier. “Le Documentaire à Belfort” ARTE TV website, France & Germany, December 8, 2004.
Eltimich, Cedric. “Smash the Border!” Web Reporters, November 2004, Brussels.
Eltimich, Cedric. “Interview with Laura Waddington” Web Reporters, November 2004, Brussels.
Drew, James. “Running with the Refugees” The Bulletin, Brussels, November 18, 2004.
Maire, Frédéric. “Locarno, festival des frontières” L’Express / L’Impartiel, August 16, 2004, pp.16.
Azoury, Philippe. “Caméras Libres” Libération, 11 Août, 2004, Paris, pp.21-22.
Bertrand Loutte. “Lac mineur :57e festival de Locarno” Les Inrockuptibles, August 25 au 31, 2004, no 456, Paris, pp.42.
Di Addezio, Sara. “In Pillole” Pardo News, edition No 5, August 8, 2004.
Macnab, Geoffrey. “The nightmare of Sangatte” Pardo News, ed. No 5, August 9, 2004, Switzerland, pp. 19.
Nicklaus, Olivier. “Les yeux de Laura” Les Inrockuptibles, 18 June 2003, no394, Paris.
“CARGO” TV magazine review, Hörzu, Hamburg, June 2003.
Wong, Ki. “Interview with Laura Waddington” Cream Magazine, Hongkong 2002, pp. 142.
Mckechneay, Maya. “Streifenweise” Falter, Vienna, edition 20/02, May 2002.
Evans, Gareth. “Oberhausten Notes: Shorts Circuit” Sight and Sound magazine, London, July 2002.
Forst, Achim. “Forty years after the Manifesto” ZDF/3Sat, Germany, May 2002.
Allmaier, Michael. “Movies that grow shorter by the minute” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, May 12, 2002.
Wilink, Andreas. “Schatten und Stein” Süddeutsche Zeitung, Germany, May 2002.
Pearce, Patrick. “Accélération de fraîcheur: Dossier Festival International Nouveaux Médias Montréal, 12-20 October 2000” Tournage, Revue du Court Métrage, Paris, 2000.
Pearce, Patrick. ‘“Interview with Karil Sadomai: Dossier Festival International Nouveau Medias Montreal 12-20 October 2000” Tournage, Revue de Court Metrage, Paris 2000.
Burkhardt, Andreas “Kunst mit Chip” Tip magazine, Berlin, March 2000, pp. 216.
Leggatt, Graham “All of these and none of these” Parkett Vol 48, 1996, Zurich/New York pp. 165.
Short Published Writings by Laura Waddington
“No Footsteps Remain. Letter to Mara Catalan” in the photo book Williamsburg: A place I once called home by Mara Catalan, Red Hook Editions, New York 2018. pp. 148-9.
“Querida Mara. No dejan huellas” in the photo book Williamsburg: A place I once called home by Mara Catalan, Red Hook Editions, New York 2018. pp (Translated by Annuska Angulo, end booklet).
“Scattered Truth” 17-page essay, Lisbon/ Berlin 2014, 2015. (Part I published in Bidhan Jacob’s Vers une esthetique du signal. Dynamiques du flou et liberations du code dans les arts filmique, Paris, 2014. Parts II and III on the artist’s website)
“Letter to my father about ‘The Battle of San Romano’ by Paolo Uccello” La Furia Umana, Paper no. 1 January 2013, Duen de Bux, Spain pp.57-59.
“Abdullah et les lucioles – à la lecture de Survivance des Lucioles de Georges Didi-Huberman” in the book Devant Les Images – Penser l’art et l’histoire avec Georges Didi-Huberman, Les Presses du Réel, France, 2012 pp. 343 – 346.
“Abdullah and the Fireflies: On reading Georges Didi-Huberman’s “Survivance des Lucioles”, Engramma; Issue 84 “Lucciole malgrado tutto”, Italy, October 2010.
“On the films I saw in Isola: ‘Daratt’ by Mahamet Saleh Haroun, ‘Harvest: 3000 Years’ by Haile Gerima, ‘Bellavista’ by Peter Schreiner” Ekran Magazine, Slovenia, 2007.” Ekran Magazine, Slovenia, 2007.
“La Voix Petite, Fragile, Inachevée” in the book Le cinéma critique, de l’argentique au numérique, voies et formes de l’objection visuelle. (Edited by Nicole Brenez and Bidhan Jacobs). Publications de la Sorbonne, Paris France 2010. pp.81-82.
“The small, the fragile, the unfinished voice: Letter to Nicole Brenez” for the Avant-Garde Project compiled by Nicole Brenez, Paris, 2006.
“Fotografía, De sombras y cielos mexicanos, entrevista a Gabriel Figueroa” by Walter Rippel and Laura Waddington, El Amante / Cine, El Amante No 12, Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 1992, pp. 42-43.
Film Lists by Laura Waddington
“10 Favourite Films for DESISTFILM 2022 FILM ROUND-UP” Desistfilm Online Film Journal, Lima, Peru, January 2023.
“10 Favourite Films for the Sight & Sound Directors’ Greatest Films Poll 2022” Sight & Sound Film Mgazine online, BFI, London, 2022.
“10 Favourite Films for the Sight & Sound Directors’ Greatest Films Poll 2012” Sight & Sound Film Mgazine online, BFI, London, 2012.
“Vérifions La Muselière! Question lancée aux cinéphiles du monde: quels évènements d’images vous ont marqués au cours des derniers mois?” Panic, Revue de Cinéma, No2. Jan/Fév 2006.
Selected Dissertations & Theses
Bima, Cecilia. Lacune Visive: Bassa Definizione per un’etica della testimonianza (Thesis on Laura Waddington’s films). Università Iuav di Venezia. Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Arti Visive. Dipartimento di Culture del Progetto 2019/2020. pp. 1-124. (And available in English translation: Visual Gaps: Low Definition for an ethics of bearing witness on the artist’s website. trans. by Marguerite Shore).
Belloc, Chloe. Border/No Border A la croisée de deux regards (Analyse comparative de l’écriture de l’expérience de l’exil dans deux films: Border de Laura Waddington et No Border de Sylvain George). Thesis. Paris 2010, pp. 4-11, 14, 16-18, 21-26, 28-29,32-37, 40-42, 45-49.
Kuhn, Eva. Border – ein filmisches Gedenken oder Die videografischen Spuren von Laura Waddington (Thesis on Laura Waddington’s “Border”). Philosophisch-Historische Fakultät der Universität Basel, Kunsthistorisches Seminar, 2006, pp. 1-105.
Selected Conference Papers & Academic Journals
Angelucci, Daniela. Tremor, Uncertainty, Invention. Europe and the sea. Presentation. Notes on Europe. The Dogmatic Sleep, International Conference. CEAA | Centro de Estudos Arnaldo Araújo Escola Superior Artística do Porto, Portugal, October 29-31, 2019, pp.11, 15-16.
Prieto Arrubla, Daniella. Politiques de l’image: apparition de l’humain et résistance à partir de Judith Butler et Georges Didi-Huberman, Acta Universitatis Carolinae Interpretationes Journal, Studia Philosophica Europeanea, Prague, February 2018 pp. 87-88, 95.
Jacobs, Bidhan. Plasticités des violences politiques au début du XXIe siècle in International Symposium, Un Art documentaire: Enjeux esthétiques, politiques et éthiques, June 3,4,5-2015, Paris, pp. 1, 3-6.
Savelli, Julie. Peuple de la nuit in Intermédialités. Histoire et théorie des arts, des lettres et des techniques. Habiter (la nuit)/inhabiting (the night), Numéro 26, automne 2015.
Hohlfeldt, Marion. Ni ici ni ailleurs – liminalité et formes de déplacement dans l’œuvre vidéo de Maja Bajevic et Laura Waddington. Lecture in Journée d’étude, Comment l’art déjoue les frontières invisibles, Université Rennes 2, France, April 23, 2012.
Larsson, Chari. Suspicious Images: Iconoclasm and the Prohibition of Representation Conference Paper. Reading the Suspect: Interpretations and Aesthetics, University of Queensland, July 2010. pp. 1, 6-7.
Kuhn, Eva. Border: The Videographic Traces by Laura Waddington as a Cinematographic Memorial. Conference Paper. Images of Illegalized Immigration” Basel University, Switzerland, 2009.
Selected Radio & Podcasts
Millet, Catherine. “De l’art vidéo aux œuvres contemporaines, le regard d’une revue d’art sur les images animées, à partir d’un choix d’oeuvres proposé par Catherine Millet, Dominique Païni et Dork Zabunian” Discussion of Border with extracts chosen by Catherine Millet during the round table: ArtPress, 40 ans de regard, Festival International du Film Entrevues, Belfort, France, December 1, 2012. (Available at (Border: 33 mins – 52 mins)
“Je déballe ma bibliothèque: Evelyne Didi nous lit (4/5)” Evelyne Didi reading pages about Border from Georges Didi Huberman’s book Survivance des Lucioles, Radio France Culture, October 25, 2012. (Available at 25)
“Ni ici ni ailleurs – liminalité et formes de déplacement dans l’œuvre vidéo de Maja Bajevic et Laura Waddington” Lecture in Comment l’art déjoue les frontières invisibles, Université Rennes 2, France, April 23, 2012
(Available at
Selected Television & Radio Interviews with Laura Waddington
“Vertigo News” TV interview at the Pesaro film festival, RAISAT CINEMA WORLD Italy, July 6/7 2005.
“L’hebdo Coté Court,” interview with Arnaud Laporte, Multipistes, France Culture, April 5, 2005.
“Attitudes,” interview with Sonia Brunet, France Bleu, La Rochelle, France March 16, 2005.
“Kuhinja” BHT1 Television, Sarajevo, Bosnia, November 18, 2004.
“Double Culture: Laura Waddington,” interview with Tewfik Hakem, Radio France Culture, August 2004.
“Lumière d’août: en direct du Festival de Locarno (2),” interview with Tewfik Hakem, France Culture, August 10. 2004.
“Smash the Border” interview with Cedric Eltimich, Web Reporters, Brussels, November 25, 2004.
Interview with Alan Chabaux, Radio Campus, Brussels, November 23, 2004.
“Rencontres Courtes et Suprenantes,” interview with Peter Kremski, ARTE/ZDF Television, France/Germany, April 2004.
“Kurzchluss/Court Circuit,” ARTE/ZDF Television, France/Germany, June 2003.
“Forty years after the Manifesto,” Interview with Achim Forst, ZDF/3Sat, May 2002.