Laura Waddington


“I had immense respect for Buñuel, he was an extraordinarily intelligent man. I remember during the filming of Los olvidados, he gave me a camera position, I composed the image and asked him to examine it. He looked through the viewfinder and said to me: ‘That’s a beautiful landscape, Gabriel. But I have a better suggestion: why don’t we turn the camera around 180 degrees and film those dirty geese flapping their wings in the mud?’ [laughter]

From Shadows and Mexican Skies: An Interview with Gabriel Figueroa by Walter Rippel and Laura Waddington.

Source of YouTube video: El sueño de la liebre. El cine de Luis Buñuel y Gabriel Figueroa. Trailer for the exhibition at the Filmoteca de Cataluña, Barcelona, Spain, April 27–August 27, 2023.

Source: FotográficaMx, Colección Fundación Televisa (YouTube)